Agency Terms & Conditions

QMH TECHNOLOGIES LTD T/A Barcelona Airport Taxi

We,QMH TECHNOLOGIES LTD >, a company registered in England & Wales (Reg# 13506378), registered address 10-16 Tiller Road, London, England, E14 8PX.

It is client responsibility to make sure all the details (Name, email address, contact number, number of passengers, Laguages, Pickup and drop address, date and time etc.) added in the booking form are correct.

In case of cancellation before 12 hours to pick-up time; 5% transaction charge will be deducted and remaining amount will be refunded within 2 to 3 working days.

In case of cancellation within less than 12 hours to pick-up time; paid amount will not be refundable. (The payment will be refunded even cancellation is within 12 hours to pick- up time in case of flight cancellation and with the provision of evidence)

All our prices are fixed there will be no effect on price after making the final booking. The advertised price may be change from time to time but it will not effect on confirmed bookings. The price of the confirmed booking remains same.

If you have any special requests, please let us know at the time of booking. We will pass on all such requests to the Supplier/Principal, but we can't guarantee that they will be met and we will have no liability to you if they are not. Note that our Suppliers/Principals will arrange child / baby seats if requested whenever possible.

It is client responsibility to select the appropriate vehicle. The images of the vehicle make and model shown on the quotation page are for illustration and guidance purpose only.

Estimated journey time arranged on booking form is as per normal condition and current road conditions such as traffic, accident etc. may change this time.

While making your booking with us we will arrange for you to enter into a contract with the Licenced Supplier. You will receive the confirmation directly from the Licenced supplier shortly after booking detailing all term and condition. Your booking with us is subject to these Agency Terms and Conditions and the specific terms and conditions of the relevant Licenced Supplier you contract with.

We are entitled, on behalf of the Licenced Supplier, to refuse any order placed by you. We do not guarantee to successfully allocate a Licenced Supplier to every booking request. In the unlikely event that we are unable to allocate a Licenced Supplier to your booking request we will email you to advise you as soon as possible.

Blogs Pages

Maximizing Your Travel Experience with London Airport Transfers

Blog about Maximizing Your Travel Experience with London Airport Transfers...

Discovering the Perks of London Airport Transfers: A Detailed Analysis

Blog about Discovering the Perks of London Airport Transfers: A Detailed Analysis...

Exploring the Convenience of London Airport Transfers

Blog about Exploring the Convenience of London Airport Transfers...

Enhancing Your Journey: A Deep Dive into London Airport Transfers

Blog about Enhancing Your Journey: A Deep Dive into London Airport Transfers...

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Is consumer safety something that should be prioritised?

Ans. Customer security is a priority for us.

Q. Does Heathrow Airport offer service?

Ans. You can get it, yes.

Q. Do cruise ports offer any services?

Ans. Services are offered, yes.

Q. Do you serve a wide variety of clients from around the world?

Ans. The world over, we do have customers.

Q. Is the service offered on a shared basis?

Ans. The service is indeed offered on a shared basis.

Q. Can a consumer cancel their reservation?

Ans. The customer may cancel, yes.

Q. Do loyal customers receive discounts?

Ans. They do receive a discount.

Our Clients Testimonials

Prompt Communication

Incredible help; correspondence was brief and orchestrating a pickup was simple. The driver was cordial and accommodating. Much appreciated folks!
star star star star star

Arrived at on time

Because of this astounding cab administration. We got our objective on time.
star star star star star


They are really flexible and punctual. Our cab arrived on time.
star star star star star

Shown up at on time

Due to this shocking cab organization. We got our objective on time.
star star star star star

Safe Journey

Many thanks for your administration and help. That was an exceptionally protected venture without a doubt. Much obliged by and by.
star star star star star

Excellent Service

The help we got from you was phenomenal! Much thanks. We will unquestionably utilize Davidsons again later on.
star star star star star

Easily Available

Very clean and comfortable cab, on time.
star star star star star

Satisfied with services

My parents were truly happy. They let me know they had a beautiful, instructive, connection with the driver. All of us are exceptionally cheerful!
star star star star star

Always on time

Incredible on-time administration. Leo is an outstanding individual with all the data you want for your vacation. Strongly suggest
star star star star star

Timely Available

On-time and cordial driver. The vehicle was tidy and spacious enough for our luggage.
star star star star star